Get ISO 27001 Certified in under 12 weeks, for less than $2,000 a month

Get ISO 27001 Certified in under 12 weeks, for less than $2,000 a month

Get ISO 27001 Certified in under 12 weeks, for less than $2,000 a month

Get your ducks in a row with de.iterate

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Get your ducks in a row with de.iterate

Get Started

Get your ducks in a row with de.iterate

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Compliance Calendar

Your compliance calendar keeps you on-track year round. Whether its completing your Assurance Tasks, Reviewing and Updating Risks or Assessing Your ever increasing Supply Chain. the de.iterate calendar has your covered every step of the way.

Your compliance calendar keeps you on-track year round. Whether its completing your Assurance Tasks, Reviewing and Updating Risks or Assessing Your ever increasing Supply Chain. the de.iterate calendar has your covered every step of the way.

Your compliance calendar keeps you on-track year round. Whether its completing your Assurance Tasks, Reviewing and Updating Risks or Assessing Your ever increasing Supply Chain. the de.iterate calendar has your covered every step of the way.

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Undo Complexity

Don't over-engineer your compliance activity. Focus on completing your de.iterate tasks and being secure will come with naturally. As soon as your compliance program becomes your "complex program" you need to undo.

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John Fison

Chairman @ Zudello

“If you are considering certification to ISO 27001 and don’t have countless days to plan and document every policy, train staff and all the other tasks while preparing for the audit, then there is simply no question—you must have de.iterate on your team.”

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Cameron Exley

CISO @ Syntric

"de.iterate simplified our compliance program rollout. The clear and memorable policies were great for staff, and the assurance calendar keeps us on track with our commitments throughout the year."

Indra Palanimalai

CEO @ onUgo

"The best thing about the de.iterate platform is that you have everything in one spot: policies, supporting documents, assurance tasks. Having all the evidence you need in the

one platform means you can just point the auditor to the platform, and run through everything together. It made the audit process so much easier."

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Pricing Plans

Pricing Plans

Pricing Plans

Low Cost, Impeccable Service.

Low Cost, Impeccable Service.

Low Cost, Impeccable Service.

Privacy Act



Unlimited Users

1 domain name

Data Privacy and Data Security

Privacy Act and Essential 8

Compliance Dashboard

Templated Control Library

Dynamic Privacy Policy

Simplified Compliance


Evidence Collection &


Online Data Privacy

Request Process

Compliance Notifications

Simple Reporting

On-Demand Expert Guidance

Microsoft and Google SSO

*Certification audits not included. These audits must be performed by dedicated auditing bodies.

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Register Interest

BYOC (Bring Your Compliance)



Unlimited Users

1 domain name

Make Your Own Certification

Choose from Privacy Act, Essential 8, ISO 27001, and SOC2 Controls

Integrated Compliance Calendar

Evidence Collection & Storage

Dynamic Control Library

Templated ISMS Manual

Asset & Risk Registers

Incident Register

On-Demand Expert Guidance

ISMS Register

Compliance Notifications

Compliance Reporting

Audit Assistance

Microsoft and Google SSO

*Certification audits not included. These audits must be performed by dedicated auditing bodies.

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Register Interest

ISO 27001

Contact Us

Unlimited Users

1 domain name

All Basic Features

All Available Compliance Standards

Digital Policy Reader

Complete ISO Policy Pack

Pre-built ISO Compliant Processes

Fully Managed Compliance

Annual Policy Updates

Personal Onboarding Assistance

Compliance Assurance Program

Mandatory Compliance Documents

Dedicated Audit View

Compliance Calendar & Alerting

Corrective Actions Register

Compliance Reporting

Dedicated Support (9am - 5PM AEST)

*Certification audits not included. These audits must be performed by dedicated auditing bodies.

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Schedule a Demo


Contact Us

Unlimited Users

1 domain name

All Basic and Managed


Customise Compliance


Import Unlimited Policies

Online Policy Editor

AI Policy Assistant

Dedicated Support

Compliance Reporting

Certification Assistance*

Dynamic Privacy Policy

Simplified Compliance


Evidence Collection &


*Certification audits not included. These audits must be performed by dedicated auditing bodies.

View All Features ->

Schedule a Demo




Who needs de.iterate?

All companies operating today need to demonstrate mature Information Privacy, and Data Security practices. de.iterate simplifies compliance and provides simple and low-touch compliance fit for companies from 1-1,000 employees.

What compliance platforms do you support?

The de.iterate compliance platform streamlines certification to global information security and data privacy standards like ISO 27001, the Privacy Act, and the ACSC Essential Eight. It simplifies the implementation and management of data security and privacy, providing businesses with small, easy to manage tasks.

How long will it take to read all the policies?

To read the entire ISO 27001 suite of policies it takes 60 minutes. We spent months and months pouring over lengthy policies and removing all the wafty text that added no value to leave you with just-the-good-bits! These are the points, lessons and learnings that matter and that we want you to remember.

What other training do my staff need after they read policies?

None! Read de.iterate smart policies and get training and policy in one go!

I really want to read a boring Word document can you provide one for me?

We provide Smart Policies in a digital format that provides simple, memorable messaging to your staff that's easy to remember and recall. We don't however provide de.iterate policies in paper formats like Word or Excel.

How long does it take to get certified?

The process to get ready for certification can take anywhere from a few hours to 3 months depending on your pace. Once you’re onboard in de.iterate you have all the tools and information to get certified quickly and easily.

How often do I get audited for ISO 27001?

The ISO 27001 audit cycle runs for 3 years, and you will be audited each year. Your initial certifying audit is actually two audits combined. These are commonly referred to as a Stage-1 audit, and a Certifying Audit. A Stage-1 audit is a short review of your documentation to makes sure you are ready for certification. With de.iterate by your side a Stage-1 audit is very relaxed. All the ISO concepts are provided for you by the platform and your auditor will love the easy to use interface. A Certifying audit is usually longer than a Stage-1, so a few days. This is the audit where you show the auditor evidence of how you have implemented the concepts from Stage-1.

Does de.iterate perform the audit?

If we could we would but unfortunately the ISO auditing standard forbids us from being both your enabler, and your auditor. (ISO17021, section 5.2.5)

What are audits like?

Auditors are people too! With de.iterate by your side you will have all the information and evidence you need to answer the auditors questions easily and without fuss. Auditors love de.iterate because they know when they see a customer using de.iterate that they will be prepared and have all their ducks in a row for audit day.

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© de.iterate Pty Ltd, 2021-2023

© Secureroo Pty Ltd, 2023